Tuesday, August 19, 2008

People kill me.

I'm thinking it may be time for a change of subject. I'm going to venture down a road less traveled now. Some may say it's a paranormal road; some may say it's a road of hoax and pitfalls. To me, it's a very real road and we'll get to why shortly.
A few days ago I received an instant message from my step-son asking if I had seen the news lately. Well, being honest I said no. Apparently two men in Georgia had found a dead body of a bigfoot or sasquatch as some of you may know them. With great skepticism I went to the link my son provided. Hmm, something isn't right here.
Okay, now I think it's time for a little back ground. Those of you with kids know that it's important to find a bonding link between you and each of your children. Individual bonding links are even better, as they give you and the child a one-on-one topic or activity that you can share. Bigfoot is the link between Jarrett and I.
When I was a kid, probably 11 or 12 years old, I was out shooting with a few members of my family. I was walking back to the house alone through the woods and a feeling came over me. I can't really describe it, but something very calm came over me and I stopped. I slowly turned in a half circle scanning the trees for anything that might be around me and my eyes came to rest on a large dirty white / gray creature. At that age I was already somewhere in the 5'5" to 5'7" range and this thing was much taller than me. Hindsight and common sense being what it is, I would bet anywhere from 6'6" to 7' even. His shoulders were broad, there was no neck to speak of and his head was very large. Almost conical, but not dramatically like Dan Aykroyd in Coneheads. The best description I can give would be Harry from Harry and the Henderson's. Only grayish white.
So to say I'm a believer would be a dramatic understatement. I have been in various discussions or debates with people over the years about it and I have come to realize that everyone has an opinion on the matter, and I'm open to any explanation. I do however hold out constant hope that someone in the scientific community will capture a live bigfoot, or find the body of one. Anything that can offer solid proof for the people that have not been lucky enough to witness one first hand.
Over the years I have done my research. I have heard many names, both of those respected in the bigfoot community, and those known to be causes of doubt by concocting hoaxes; and the names that I was reading about I had never heard. Keeping an open mind I thought maybe two people had gone hunting and found the body. Nope, not so lucky. I read on further and found the two people in question had recently started a website where they proclaimed themselves the "worlds best bigfoot hunters". Really? The best? Okay, I'll bite. Is this real?
I did a little more research. I have found the best information and the most accurate information on two websites: www.bfro.net and www.oregonbigfoot.com. I encourage you to check these sights out if you have any questions about the exsistance but are open to the possibility. Anyway, I figured if anyone had been able to get extensive information on this, they would have. I was right. I found the real story behind what was going on. The people in question were just trying to make money from a gorilla suit in a freezer. It's really sad to think that people actually paid these morons for a glimps of a hoax.
I just don't understand how someone can come up with something like this and then play it out like it's all for real. Isn't fraud a crime? I guess it's nothing more abnormal than the National Enquirer though. They claim things all the time that aren't true. I don't think they go to the extreme that these idiots did, but I guess in theory it's the same thing.
Anyway, if you have a little time, google the Georgia Bigfoot body.
Until next time... :-)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I watched 'The Sasquatch Gang' tonight and it kept reminding me of you and this Bigfoot post! If you decide to watch it, I think it's better if you are drunk!