Where I live there is a great deal of debate over migrant workers, and illegal immigration laws. I'm sure the same can be said all over the United States. It really bothers me to hear all the negative and racist comments that everyone has to say. One group of people will blame things on another group of people when really, it's not a certain groups fault that things are the way they are. It is not the fault of a Mexican migrant family that they are able to go to the Department of Health and Human Services and receive assistance for free. I mean, really think about it. If the government in Jamaca would pay you to live there... wouldn't you?
Another complaint I hear is that "they" (choose your minority) are coming to America uninvited and illegally. Really? That is your arguement? How about this: Inside the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty is a bronze tablet that is inscribed with the following poem by Emma Lazarus:
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your toried pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homelss, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
The idea that any one of us is somehow better than another because we were born on US soil seems a bit strange to me. At some point in the history of nearly every person in the United States, there is an ancestor that came here from another place. Even native american ancestors migrated here at some point in the past. So to say you are better than someone that migrated here weeks or months ago is just rediculous.
On the flip side of this coin I do see another somewhat rediculous thing happening though. Our government is giving benefits to the illegal alien as well as their families. This is the part of the story that is wrong to me. Let me explain my point of view on this.
The United States is in an economic shortfall to say the least. We are in trouble for our future generations financially as well as the current generation. And yet we are giving away money in the billions to welfare recipients that are illegally in this country. People that have no intention of becoming legalized citizens in this country, and that pay nothing into the system through taxes or otherwise, should not be given access to any Government Financial aid of any kind.
If the US government really wants to fix the immigration issues, they should probably look first at how much money they are giving out to keep people coming into America illegally. When you take the profit away, the problem will resolve itself. Or so it makes sense.
Okay, I'm off my soapbox now. Thanks for listening.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Has it been that long?
It seems these days with Facebook, work, home and Jack that I don't really have a whole lot of time for blogging... I did say "it seems". That's a bunch of crap though. I totally have plenty of time. It's all a matter of time management and laziness. My office chair at home, and my recliner are worlds apart in the "comfortable" department. Plus, the remote doesn't have as many buttons or require as much input as the computer does.
Okay, so now that we've established that I'm a couch potato, lets move on to what's been going on since I last posted.
First, the bad. I am once again a smoker. Well... kind of. I fell off the wagon when drinking on several occasions over the past two months or so. I finally admitted it to myself a week or so ago and bought a pack of cigarettes. To date though, I have only smoked a few and it's only been when I was drinking with friends on the weekends. I know, that's how it starts and I am as disappointed as I'm sure some of you are. But hey, life will go on... until I die a horrible death from lung cancer or other smoking related issues. On the other hand, to date I really haven't wanted to smoke during the week. So maybe I'll just stop drinking on the weekends and... ah who am I kidding. :-)
The new puppy... err MOOSE is doing great. He still chews things up occasionally if you leave them down. Oh and you can add the satellite remote to the list of casualties. Although it still works, it's missing some of my favorite buttons. :-) He joins me at work a few times a week which is giving him a change of scenery and some much needed exercise as we go for a walk on my lunch break. It's also getting me off my lazy and expanding rear end for some much needed exercise. The other people in my office love him and he is quickly becoming a loved member of the office staff. When I don't bring him (if I have errands to run on my lunch break or something) everyone stops by my area of the office to see where he's at. Here's a photo of him at Christmas. He's so agreeable he would have kept the bow on all day if it would have stuck.
He's up to around 75 pounds and he is very curious about everything that moves. That being said, it was Solo that was sprayed by the skunk last night. Our house is still filled with the fragrant reminder of Solo's curiosity... or stupidity since it's the 4th or 5th time. Good thing he has such short thin single coated hair.
Ok, so Jack is great.... what else has been taking up time? Oh, we went wheeling again. Went up to our friends cabin for New Years.
In town as we were leaving a freezing rain storm was blowing in. A few miles up the mountain where this picture was taken, the wind was blowing to beat hell, drifts were growing, our tracks were filling before the tires had left them and it was snowing. As you can see by the look on my face it was a little chilly. We stopped here to loaf (let air out) our tires to get better traction. That trusty old Jeep from last year made it all the way to the property without incedent... then I drove it. In a little more than 400 yards with me behind the wheel, the slave cylinder for the clutch exploded in the bell housing. For those of you that don't know much about mechanics, that's bad. Basically it means that when you push the clutch pedal, there is nothing. Driving down the next day was even more interesting. Put it in 1st, and turn the key. The Jeep crawls forward as the engine turns over and then it fires up and you lurch forward. To go faster you time it just right and shift. If you miss a gear, turn the engine off, put it in first and try again.
Other than that minor little issue, the trip was fun. We hung out with some great friends and were surrounded by nothing but trees, 4x4's and a seemingly endless supply of food and drink. Needless to say I wasn't feeling so great the next morning. I didn't have a rig to drive around the mountain so I compensated with a beer can. Oh, and I recently began making Liquid Apple Pie. If you've never had it, you're missing out. Tastes just like Apple Pie only it's made with 190 proof Everclear. We had some of that up there that night too. :-)
Shortly after my last post, Dena and I went to Seattle for the funeral service for my Grandma Stephens. I've been to... too many funerals over the years. They are usually somber, quiet and rightfully depressing. Most of the funerals I've been to have also been on my mothers side of the family and to put things mildly, there is a lot of depression on that side of the family anyway. So with that expectation in mind, I was not really looking forward to this type of family reunion.
Thankfully, I underestimated the Stephens family. I would like to extend a very warm thank you to all of you who attended. Especially Kim, Aaron, Andy and Doug who traveled quite a distance to be there. It was not depressing, or sad, or... a funeral really. Sure, there was a church, but Bob was swearing in it and didn't burst into flames or get struck by lightning... so it's all good. I love my family a great deal. One of my Grandma's fears is that once she died, we wouldn't all get together like we have for as far back as I can remember. If her funeral was any indication of whats to come... I'd have to say the opposite will happen. I think it brought the family closer together. I was happy to see family I hadn't seen in a long time, and more happy to see family I'm not sure I ever had seen. If everyone had a family like mine, the world would be a better place.
Left to right: Adam, Doug, Kim, Me, Chris, Andy, Michele, Aaron. There were several cousins missing from this picture, but we did get to see most of them at the funeral service. We need to do a once a year cousin get together... I'll even host if anyone is interested. I live in northeast Oregon just south of Walla Walla, WA. Between local hotels, our house, our property, Chris' house... we'd easily be able to accomodate everyone. If anyone is interested let me know and I'll take charge and get something planned.
Until next time loyal followers, I bid you farewell. Stay healthy, stay happy, and enjoy every minute life gives you. I love you all.
Okay, so now that we've established that I'm a couch potato, lets move on to what's been going on since I last posted.
First, the bad. I am once again a smoker. Well... kind of. I fell off the wagon when drinking on several occasions over the past two months or so. I finally admitted it to myself a week or so ago and bought a pack of cigarettes. To date though, I have only smoked a few and it's only been when I was drinking with friends on the weekends. I know, that's how it starts and I am as disappointed as I'm sure some of you are. But hey, life will go on... until I die a horrible death from lung cancer or other smoking related issues. On the other hand, to date I really haven't wanted to smoke during the week. So maybe I'll just stop drinking on the weekends and... ah who am I kidding. :-)
The new puppy... err MOOSE is doing great. He still chews things up occasionally if you leave them down. Oh and you can add the satellite remote to the list of casualties. Although it still works, it's missing some of my favorite buttons. :-) He joins me at work a few times a week which is giving him a change of scenery and some much needed exercise as we go for a walk on my lunch break. It's also getting me off my lazy and expanding rear end for some much needed exercise. The other people in my office love him and he is quickly becoming a loved member of the office staff. When I don't bring him (if I have errands to run on my lunch break or something) everyone stops by my area of the office to see where he's at. Here's a photo of him at Christmas. He's so agreeable he would have kept the bow on all day if it would have stuck.

Ok, so Jack is great.... what else has been taking up time? Oh, we went wheeling again. Went up to our friends cabin for New Years.

In town as we were leaving a freezing rain storm was blowing in. A few miles up the mountain where this picture was taken, the wind was blowing to beat hell, drifts were growing, our tracks were filling before the tires had left them and it was snowing. As you can see by the look on my face it was a little chilly. We stopped here to loaf (let air out) our tires to get better traction. That trusty old Jeep from last year made it all the way to the property without incedent... then I drove it. In a little more than 400 yards with me behind the wheel, the slave cylinder for the clutch exploded in the bell housing. For those of you that don't know much about mechanics, that's bad. Basically it means that when you push the clutch pedal, there is nothing. Driving down the next day was even more interesting. Put it in 1st, and turn the key. The Jeep crawls forward as the engine turns over and then it fires up and you lurch forward. To go faster you time it just right and shift. If you miss a gear, turn the engine off, put it in first and try again.
Other than that minor little issue, the trip was fun. We hung out with some great friends and were surrounded by nothing but trees, 4x4's and a seemingly endless supply of food and drink. Needless to say I wasn't feeling so great the next morning. I didn't have a rig to drive around the mountain so I compensated with a beer can. Oh, and I recently began making Liquid Apple Pie. If you've never had it, you're missing out. Tastes just like Apple Pie only it's made with 190 proof Everclear. We had some of that up there that night too. :-)
Shortly after my last post, Dena and I went to Seattle for the funeral service for my Grandma Stephens. I've been to... too many funerals over the years. They are usually somber, quiet and rightfully depressing. Most of the funerals I've been to have also been on my mothers side of the family and to put things mildly, there is a lot of depression on that side of the family anyway. So with that expectation in mind, I was not really looking forward to this type of family reunion.
Thankfully, I underestimated the Stephens family. I would like to extend a very warm thank you to all of you who attended. Especially Kim, Aaron, Andy and Doug who traveled quite a distance to be there. It was not depressing, or sad, or... a funeral really. Sure, there was a church, but Bob was swearing in it and didn't burst into flames or get struck by lightning... so it's all good. I love my family a great deal. One of my Grandma's fears is that once she died, we wouldn't all get together like we have for as far back as I can remember. If her funeral was any indication of whats to come... I'd have to say the opposite will happen. I think it brought the family closer together. I was happy to see family I hadn't seen in a long time, and more happy to see family I'm not sure I ever had seen. If everyone had a family like mine, the world would be a better place.

Until next time loyal followers, I bid you farewell. Stay healthy, stay happy, and enjoy every minute life gives you. I love you all.
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